Saturday, July 25, 2009

since it's been a million years....

i've had a slight change of heart/mind/theology/way i think about God.

first of all, this summer has been awesome and horrible and hard and easy and everything in between all of those.

and it's totally changed (again) the way i approach God and life and faith and Jesus. it's all so beautiful. and deserves to be approached with the utmost reverence. God is not just a friend who you call on for signs and wonders. He's also the God of the universe. and we've got to approach Him like that too. on our faces in front of Him.

i got so sick of this miracle culture we've built ourselves into. we don't need to see people get healed to see God at work. look outside. look at how the ocean comes up around the marsh grass and yet the fiddler crabs don't die. that's a miracle. look at how the hibiscus can withstand 100 degree temperatures and be back to normal the next morning.

everything is so beautiful. and awe-inspiring. because His hand is on it all.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

random musings

-i'm loving coldplay right now.  and i think it's okay if i find God's beauty in those lyrics.  i'm learning that you don't have to sing hillsong to worship Him.  and you don't just have to read the Bible to learn about Him.

-i wish rafa had been able to play wimbledon, but it's still been pretty entertaining without him.

-being home is lovely.  

-i think it's ironic that they had to send my 24-hour heart monitor results to st. louis university to be read.  a few months ago, it's where my heart was the most alive it had ever been before then.

-serena williams is a baller...and i want to be her.  

-grad school is looking more and more eminent every moment.

-i really don't like 4th of july.  fireworks are cool and everything, but i really hate being around drunk people (not for any stupid religious reason...i just feel uncomfortable, always have) i'm watching tennis then going to work with my mom instead of out in the boat with my dad.  lame?  probably...i don't really care.  also, i'm probably the least patriotic person i know...i appreciate our country, i really do...i just think it could do a lot more to respect and show love to all the other people in the world...