Saturday, February 13, 2010

now I got lots of friends, yes, but then again, nobody knows me at all

last night was the best. got to do six of my absolutely most favorite things:

1. play in the snow.
2. take 203948203498 photos.
3. hang out with some quality people.
4. cook copious amounts of food for said quality people.
5. edit 203948203498 photos.
6. go on a long walk at night by myself.

if only i had:
-finished a really good book.
-gone swimming.
-slept on the porch in my hammock.
-had my dog with me.

it would have been the best day ever.

as it stands, it's probably in my top ten.

1 comment:

jenn said...

i had a great day too, although i did not one of those things. i guess besides spent time with quality people. but i'm glad we were in the same boat on the excellent snow day!