Monday, March 29, 2010

is it possible to be both?

it seems to me that we have two choices. we can be "all things to all people", or we can be "in the world but not of it." these are the two classic verses that christians tend to use to rationalize their behavior. in the first camp are the megachurchy, designer-jean-wearing churchgoers that ask, "if we don't fit in with the (enter favorite stereotypical subculture here), how will we reach them?" in the opposite corner are the irresistible revolutionaries who only shop at thrift stores and look like they just rolled out of bed.

this is my question: can i be both?

yes. Paul did say that he was trying to be all things to all people so that all people could be saved. but i still can't rationalize spending $200 on a pair of pants when there are starving kids in my own backyard. (not to mention all over the globe.)

again, yes, Jesus did say in the gospel of John that we were not to be of the world. that the world should hate us for His name's sake. we are not to prescribe to the world's ideas of cool. but in order to do what i believe God has called me to, I'm gonna need some money. which means i need a job. which means i have to look a certain way, or they're gonna "next" me as soon as i walk in the door.

so i ask again. can i be both?

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