Friday, June 19, 2009


so i had this sick dream a few weeks ago, but didn't know it was sick until i talked to my pastor about it. legit.

okay so here's the dream: it's clemson like normal but there's a feeling of darkness over the place. basically it was dark outside the whole dream, even during the day. one of the old brick buildings had caught fire and all that was left was the brick. all my friends and i would go play in the ashes and soot inside and come out almost black. then all of a sudden i was walking around and saw one of my friends that i've been praying for for about 2 years talking to this older man telling him about all the miracles that God's done in clemson.

so that's it...and it was just encouraging at first because of the last part, i felt like God was reaffirming that He wants her heart and giving a taste of what's to come. i left it at that and didn't try to interpret the other parts...until i was talking to stephanie, one of the pastors at new day.

she said that the feeling of darkness was a physical manifestation of the dark stuff (drinking, sex, drugs, etc.) that goes on in clemson. she said that she felt like the building that caught fire was God's holy fire and asked if there was a building like that where God was glorified.

umm...YES. so i was like "TILLMAN!!!" so encouraging. then she said she thought that the significance of playing in the ashes was that we were a marked people and that people could tell who "played in the fire" when they came out.

hope this is as encouraging to other people as it was to me. blew my mind. yeah Jesus!

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